Management experience

Here we go! Management experience, the core what I’m doing so well.
First of all, you need to know what I consider a manager (and in that order):
  1. A manager is firstly an administrator
  2. Then a manager is a teacher
  3. And then he or she is a leader
Why an administrator? I like to document every aspect of (any) project. That means a program, product, resources like people, equipment, etc. Why?
  1. I like statistics. With the statistics, I can predict things (to happen) and I can applyrisk management (where it will go wrong)
  2. With the administration, I like to see how healthy a project, product, resource actually is and how productive everyone is
  3. Politics in a project (organization) is reduced to the minimum and it will not waste time, effort and resources
  4. Everyone is and stays under control, the essence of a project (development project or not)
  5. And in case I give the ghost while doing the project, someone can take over and nothing is lost
People in an (/a project-) organization are a valuable asset, if you can use them properly.
People working in an organization work so much better if they are happy and productive.
A proper manager makes so many people (under his or her responsibility) happy when the manager manage properly, because a person who works in the organization is close connected to wives, husbands, partners, children and other family and friends.
About my experience as a manager? Loads of experience in tiny-, large and huge organizations, focused on development and social work.

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